
Justice for all, because everyone deserves a fair shot.

Our Culture

We have embraced the culture of forward-looking approach towards the practice of law, combining both with conventional practice areas and emerging sectors. We always emphasized upon advancement of careers of our members’ and constantly work towards creating a positive and encouraging learning environment in the firm. We firmly believe that diverse points of view strengthen our collective intellectual equity and long-term performance. We encourage the people to develop the analytical approach and provide them a space to put forward there ideas and thoughts to strengthen their self-confidence which is sacrosanct for cultivating of professional skills. We believe in team work and consistently endeavor to create and maintain an environment that is conducive to open and constructive communication.

Training & Development

We are proud to have trained several lawyers in developing skills to resolve several complex and highly disputed matters with practical and creative legal solutions. In our journey towards excellence, we are committed to attract, invest in and retain top quality talent. We always emphasized upon the shaping the future of young lawyers/interns and trained them to cope up and adept to dynamic changes in the field of law. We deem it our utter responsibility to ensure that lawyers/interns receive practical knowledge of the law in the firm in a responsive manner, while upholding the highest ethical standards. We always strived to provide a better platform to young lawyers to put forward their creative ideas and skills. We not only provide legal knowledge but encourage the members to inculcate the human values. We are keenly interested in the persons having an innovative ideas and offers creative solution that tackle the root and not merely the symptoms of a problem. We always proud to have a continuous learning programme at the Firm.


Our policies regarding hiring of people are progressive, and we are always open to people interested to join us subject to strict scrutiny and interested to adopt the work environment and culture of the firm. We have an arduous recruitment process that involves multi-staged screening and interviews. We are continuously looking out for meritorious and talented candidates and interested persons can send their resume in format given herein below:

Law Professionals


Supporting Staff

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